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Tulsin sugar free cough syrup

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Amrut tulsin sugar free cough syrup is enriched with herbal extracts of Tulsi, Vasaka, Yashtimadhu, Ginger and Kantkari. It protects from upper respiratory ailments givingrelief from cold, allergic and irritant cough. It gives relief from sore throat and rhinitis. Cough syrup does not contain alcohol and hence is safe for children and pregnant women. Tulsin syrup being sugar free is safe for Diabetic patients also. 

Amrut Tulsin sugar free cough syrup is enriched with Tulsi, Vasaka, Yashtimadhu and Kantkari. It protects from upper respiratory ailments giving relief from cold, allergic and irritant cough.

Each 10 ml contains Extracts of:
Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) ext. Rt. 100mg, Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) ext. Lf. 60mg, Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) ext. Wh.Pl 60mg, Bibhitak (Terminalia belerica) ext. Fr. 60mg, Kantkari (Solanum xenthocarpum) ext. Wh.Pl. 40mg, Bharangmool (Clerodendron serratum) ext. Rt. 30mg, Trikatu ext. 20mg, Anantmool (Hemidesmum indicus) ext. Rt. 20mg, Kulinjan (Alpinia galanga) ext. Rz. 20mg, Shuddha Tankan 20mg, Haridra (Curcuma longa) ext. Rz. 10mg, Pudina Satva (Mentha arvensis) ext. Lf. 10mg, Excipients Q.S, Syrup base, Preservative added

Children :1 to 2 teaspoonful (5 to 10 ml) thrice a day or as advised by physician.
Adults :1 to 2 tablespoonful (10 to 20 ml) thrice a day or as advised by physician.
Important Advice: For better results, mix in a cup of luke warm water and sip it.

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Indication Cough